Where is the great Amazon River ? - 10 Important species of Amazon Rainforest

 The Great Amazon Rainforest 

                                             and the Amazon River

The great Amazon River  is believed to have been discovered in the sixteenth century by the Spanish explorer, Francisco De Orellana. The Amazon River is located inside the Amazon Rainforest. The Amazon River is the World's Largest river. It expands over three South American countries namely Brazil, Columbia and Peru. Many indigenous people known as "Uncontacted Tribes" Live in the Amazon Basin. The Amazon Forest provides many services for people such as : fresh water, agriculture, transportation and food. It gives us the 20% of fresh water from the oceans.

There are also many animal species living in the Amazon Rainforest :
1. Spider Monkey
2. Golden Lion Tamarin
3. Amazon Pink Dolphin
4. Amazonian Manatee

5. Macaw
6. Black Caiman
7. Anaconda
8. Jaguar
9. Poison arrow frog
10. Electric Ell

The Black Caiman, Poison Arrow Frog, Anaconda and Jaguar are some of the very dangerous animals living here. Electric Ell is also one of them.
Swimming in the Amazon River Can be very dangerous because of the strong currents.
June 22 is celebrated is known as the Rainforest Day and the Amazon is also a Rainforest.