The Egyption Mummies | How did Egyptians preserve Mummies?

            The Egyption Mummies 

Mummies are the dead bodies of humans and animals whose organs have been preserved. The methods of treating the body were called as 'Mummification'  by the Ancient Egyptions. How did the the Egyptions preserve mummies?

They did this by the process of embalming.           The Egyptions tried to take all the water and moisture of the body, as it causes decay and covered the body with a salty crystal substance named 'natron' . The Egyptians also took some tissues and organs of the body.  They would also let the body dry for 40 days after covering the body with natron. Then they will apply lotions on the skin to preserve the body, reinforce the body with packing and it with wraps of linen .    After the body is wrapped up, the Egyptians cover it with a sheet again called 'shroud' and place it in a stone coffin called sarcophagus.

 The preservation of Mummies and placing it in a sarcophagus is a long process.  Over 3,000 years, the Egyptions have preserved 70 millions of mummies (approximately).