- Cow is a domestic(warm-blooded) animal.
- Cow is a mammal.It gives birth to young(both male and female) ones commonly called as calves(calf).
- Cow is referred as a cattle.A group of cattle is called as a herd.
- A young female is called as heifer.
- A young male is called as bull calf.
- An adult female is called as cow.
- An adult male is called as bull.
- Meat from adult cattle is called beef.
- Meat from calves is called veal.
- Cattle are herbivores and they eat grass,hay,corn,wheat etc.,
- Cattle are raised as livestock for making profit.A livestock are domesticated animals raised in an agricultural setting to produce commodities such as milk and other dairy products,for its meat,for making leather, and also for using it as labor.
- Cattle used as a draft animal/draught animal is called as ox(oxen).A draft animal/draught animal is used for pulling heavy loads like carts and for ploughing etc.,
- Cattle can be horned,dehorned,scurred or polled.
- Have you noted the hoof of a cow?The horny part of the foot is called as hoof.
- Have you noted the muzzle of a cow?The forward projecting part of the face, including the nose and mouth is called muzzle.
- Cattle are red green color blind.