A person extremely jealous of his wife, is said to be horn mad.
A person who laughs too much or too loudly is called as Cachinnator .
Debag - Remove the pants of (someone) without their consent as a joke or punishment.
Unbepissed - not be urinated on
Equanimity is a state of psychological stability and composure which is undisturbed by experience of or exposure to emotions, pain, or other phenomena that may cause others to lose the balance of their mind.
His sense of humour allowed him to face adversaries with equanimity.
Apricity - The warmth of the Sun in winter.
Remord - to recall with a touch of regret
Psithurism - The sound of wind in the trees and rustling of leaves.
Philodox - A person with an excessive love or interest in his own opinions
Pejorist - One who believes that the world is getting worse.