10 Common Vocabulary Words

afflicted - affected adversely,suffering. Eg : 1.Our society is afflicted with corruptions and crimes.2.The teens were afflicted with the computer syndrome.

skirting - skipping/avoiding/evading ,around,border,outer edge. Eg : 1.A cycle race on the skirt of the mountain is going to be held on Thursday.2.The interior walls's skirting tiles were broken.

peripheral - not major but secondary things,issues,interests and ideas. Eg : Printer is a peripheral device.

ablaze - glowing fire,bright light,indicating strong emotions like anger,excitement. Eg : 1.The car was set ablaze by rioters.2.His eyes was ablazed with love.

wrangled - dispute,obtained by argument. Eg : After much debate and wrangling, we got justice.

entails - involves. Eg : 1.Marketing job entails tight deadlines.2.Investing in equities entails more risks.

mast - is a tall upright pole in the ship. Eg : The mast standing upright on the ship supports the sails.


ordeal - prolonged unpleasant experience/pain. Eg : 1.Is failure an ordeal?2.Flood in the harvest season is a long ordeal for the farmers.

plague - diseases that spreads(caused by animals),continuous trouble. Eg : The streets are plagued with stray dogs.

rabies - is an infectious disease caused mostly by dogs(animals) and transmitted to humans by the bite of an infected animal. Eg : The commuter bitten by stray dogs were afflicted with rabies.